Keep in mind that some horses will simply be too wild for you to catch early on. Jam on the left shoulder button to soothe it while you try to hang on. When you spot a horse you want, click the left stick to go into sneak mode, creep up behind it, and grab on.

You’ll find wild horses in the plains east of the stable. If you’re near the beginning of the game, you’ll want to complete the starting section on the plateau first, then head past the two large mountains to the east and arrive at the Dueling Peaks stable.

It’s certainly tougher than winning that joke of a horse race back in Ocarina of Time. Getting your first mount in Breath of the Wild isn’t exactly the game’s biggest challenge, but it isn’t as easy as you might think.

Repeat these steps to unpin the quest or to set a new destination. This will pin the destination or origin* of the quest to your map with a bright yellow circle. You can press the A button on a quest to set destination. Use the left analog stick to scroll up and down through the lists of quests/memories. You can use the right analog stick to switch between the different quests types and memories. Once opened, press the L button to shift to the Adventure Log. To access the Adventure Log, open the Inventory Screen by pressing the +/start button on the controller.